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Is animal intelligence evolving faster than in the past.

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Q: What is a good title for a project on animal intelligence not smart animals or animal intelligence'?
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What is one type of intelligence?

1.)Naturalist intelligence ("NATURE SMART") 2.)Musical intelligence("MUSICAL SMART") 3.)Logical-Mathematical intelligences("NUMBER\REASONING SMART") 4.)Existential intelligence 5.)Interpersonal intelligence(PEOPLE SMART) 6.)Bodily-kinesthic intelligence(BODY SMART) 7.)Linguistic intelligence(WORLD SMART) 8.)intrapersonal intelligence(SELF SMART) 9.)Spatial intelligence (PICTURE SMART) BY:leoreelai manalili catayong........... tnx.. :)

Are monkey smart?

Yes, monkeys are quite smart. They are considered to be the smartest animal apart from us. Mind you, most animals are smart anyway.

What are scientists discovering about animal intelligence?

yes! they are very smart!!! they make schedule in their heads! see if i leave the house every day at 12:00 soon my dog will begin to notice and will know what time I will leave the house the next day!! even though i don't think they can see colors they are still one of the smartest animals!!! animals can have some of the human intelligence like memory, but they don't have the intelligence to read or write and more.....

How intellegent is the bottlenosed dolphin?

bottlenose dolphins have one of the highest ratios of brain size to body mass in the animal world, but does this necessarily mean they have a high level of intelligence? Animal intelligence is an area of research that still has a long way to go before being fully understood. How do you define intelligence and how do you measure it? Dolphin intelligence still requires further research, but so far studies have shown that dolphins are smart, highly social animals that can do some pretty tricky things :)! A lot of intelligence research has been conducted on captive animals, in which dolphins have shown that they are self-aware. This means that they are able to recognise themselves in a mirror, whereas other species would think they are looking at another animal.

Should animals be used in films?

Maybe and then maybe not. It depends on if the animal can behave and is smart or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It depends if the animal is smart, If not, give it to someone who wants a pet(dog,cat,ETC) or give it to a animal shelter.

What are some differing views on animal intelligence?

Some people say that animal intelligence is based on: _________.How quick they learnHow much they knowHow much they're able to learnTheir instincts, what they do,How they react to certain thingsThe list goes on and on, as many people think of animal intelligence differently.

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When was Project Vote Smart created?

Project Vote Smart was created in 1992.

What is uses of intelligence?

uses for intelligence are doing the smart or right thing,

What is origin of smart as a whip?

I consider "smart as a whip" a play on words. Whips smart (hurt). But whips were once believed to make animals smarter (learning-wise). In reality, the animal's new-found intelligence was the memory of being hurt-- a powerful motivator. Whips also act fast. The pain is quick; quickly delivered and quickly ended, except what "smarts" afterward.

How do you out smart people?

With the use of intelligence.

What is interpersonal intelligence?

when you are people smart