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Antecedents can be any noun (or noun form) where pronouns will replace the repetition of the noun. The most common pronouns that replace antecedents are personal pronouns (I, me, he, she, it, we they) or possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, its) or possessive pronouns (his, hers, theirs, mine, yours).

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What are ambiguous antecedents?

Antecedents are those which come before. The term often refers to ancestors, although it can have other meanings as well. If a person is said to have ambiguous antecedents, it would mean that you really don't know what to think about that person's ancestry.

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Pronouns have antecedents.

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Tagalog of antecedents: mga nauna

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Yes, Afrikaners antecedents were boers.

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Can antecedents be used in a sentence?

Yes, for instance. The conflict in Sri Lanka has its antecedents in the ancient cultural differences between the Tamil/Hindu population in the north and the Sinhalese/Buhdist population in the south.

Are the boers now call afrikaners?

Yes, Afrikaners antecedents were boers.