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Q: What is a one word substitute for something which cannot be seen with the naked eye?
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a thin film that cannot be seen by the naked eye

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Latent fingerprints are the types of fingerprints that aren't visible to the naked eye.

Can bacteria see?

Bacteria cannot be seen with naked eye.They are microscopic organisms.

Why atom cannot be seen with naked eye?

The atom can't be seen with naked eyes because the size of an atom is beyond our imagination and is lesser than 1/100th of an ant .

What is a telescopic comet?

That refers to a comet that cannot be seen with the naked eye; only with a telescope.

What is school microscope used for?

It is used to see things that cannot be seen with the naked eye

What planets cannot be seen with the naked eye?

Neptune.Uranus can be seen with the naked eye, but it has to be near perfect conditions and you have to know exactly where to look as it will just look like a dim star.

Have you seen a Blackhole pull something into it?

You cannot see a Blackhole with the naked eye and they're hard to detect anyway. No one would see a Blackhole pull anything into its center.

Something which cannot be seen?


How is microscopes useful?

Microscopes help to see small objects that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Where are microscopes used in?

Microscopes are used to see things that are tiny and cannot be seen by naked eye.

Can be made by many but never seen?

The answer is noise. Noise is a sound that is made by many sources, but it is intangible and cannot be seen with the naked eye.