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ob which means toward, against, in the way

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Q: What is a prefix for obscure?
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What is the meaning of the prefix ob- in the word obscure?

The word "obscure" means to hide or conceal something from sight. It comes from the Latin word "obscurus" which comes from "ob", which means toward, and the root "skeu", which is Indo-European for cover or conceal. So "ob" in "obscure" basically just means toward.

What is the prefix meaning of inscrutable?

Unsearchable; incapable of being searched into and understood by inquiry or study; impossible or difficult to be explained or accounted for satisfactorily; obscure; incomprehensible; as, an inscrutable design or event.

What is obscure?

obscure means dark

What is the meaning of obscure?

of Obscure

What word starts with OB and means unclear or hidden?

The word is obscure.

Is obscure a noun?

No, the word 'obscure' is a verb and and adjective. Examples:Verb: They tried to obscure the evidence.Adjective: We stopped in an obscure village to try their local hospitality.The noun forms for the verb to obscure are obscurer, obscurity, and the gerund, obscuring.The noun form for the adjective obscure is obscureness.An obscure noun form is obscuration.

Another word for obscure?

The noun forms for the verb to obscure are obscurer, obscurity, and the gerund, obscuring.The noun form for the adjective obscure is obscureness.An obscure noun form is obscuration.

Can you give a sentence for obscure?

Her obscure taste in music involved Swedish punk rock and classical ballet music.

How do you put obscure into a sentence?

his job was to obscure locks

How can you use the word obscure in a sentence?

The professor revels in his obscure references. The approaching clouds will soon obscure the moon.

What do you mean by Obscure Journal?

obscure means not clear or plain; vague or uncertain example: the eyesight of an eagle is not obscure

Can you put the word obscure in a sentence?

The story was Obscure. No one knew the real truth.