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How about the following, with reference to the movie King Kong:

Hey, but why pick her up, crazy gorilla?

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Q: What is a question with the eight parts of speech in eight words?
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What are the classification and used of words?

The classification of words and uses is called grammar. Grammar in the English language has eight parts of speech. The eight parts of speech are known as lexical categories which are known as nouns, pronouns, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. The uses of the words are for effective spoken and written communication.

Why are there only eight parts of speech?

The classification of parts of speech is based on the specific role that words play in a sentence. The eight parts of speech cover all types of words and their functions, including nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. These categories are comprehensive in categorizing words based on their role and function in a sentence.

Are There are eight parts of speech?

Why would anyone want more? ;o) In English, all the words can fit into these 8 'types'.

Is interjection one of the eight parts of speech?

Yes, interjection is one of the eight parts of speech. Interjections are words or phrases that express strong emotion or sudden feelings, such as "oh," "wow," or "ouch." They are often used to convey surprise, excitement, or pain in speech or writing.

What part of speech is the suffix cal?

Suffixes are parts of words, therefore they are not parts of speech. Parts of speech are full words like LOGICAL - CAL is a part of that word that is an adjective.

What is difference between parts of speech and figure of speech?

parts of speech is the different types of words in a sentence.Figures of speech is how you speak

Can you put 8 parts of speech with only eight words in one sentence?

She loudly exclaimed across long aisles, "But stop!"

What parts of speech are the words and but and or?

And, but, and or are conjunctions.

What is the name of adjectives verbs and nouns?

Adjectives, verbs, and nouns are words or parts of speech.

What nouns describe heat?

Nouns are not the part of speech that are meant to describe words. That would be adjectives. Maybe if you knew your parts of speech, you wouldn't be asking this question. Go get an education. :)

What parts of speech are the words the an and is?

"The" and "an" are articles; "is" is a verb.

What are the functions of interjectins?

An interjection is one of the eight major parts of speech. These words are solely designed to convey emotions and express meaning or feeling in a phrase or sentance.