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A record of past events in order of time is called a chronology.

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Q: What is a record of past events in order of time?
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What is the meaning of Chronicles?

An historical register or account of facts or events disposed in the order of time., A narrative of events; a history; a record., The two canonical books of the Old Testament in which immediately follow 2 Kings., To record in a history or chronicle; to record; to register.

What is chonology?

Do you mean chronology?Chro·nol·o·gy is:1. the sequential order in which past events occur.2. a statement of this order.3. the science of arranging time in periods and ascertaining the dates and historical order of past events.4. a reference work organized according to the dates of events.

What is meant by Chronological Order?

Chronological order means the order, in terms of time, in which a series of events occurred. For example, if I were to write the events of my day in chronological order, they would be written in the order they happened, starting from when I woke up this morning, and ending when I go to sleep at night.From the beginning to the end.

What are annals?

Annals are historical records that document events year by year in chronological order. They often provide detailed accounts of significant events, such as political, social, or cultural happenings, and are valuable sources for understanding the past.

What is meant by dates and time in history?

In order to understand or record when something happened in the past, we assign a date and a time to the happening.

What's the meaning of Chronicles?

An historical register or account of facts or events disposed in the order of time., A narrative of events; a history; a record., The two canonical books of the Old Testament in which immediately follow 2 Kings., To record in a history or chronicle; to record; to register.

What does chronoligical mean?

Chronological structure means listing events in the order they occurred linearly. Time and date are used for chronological listing of events, with the earliest listed first and the most recent listed last.

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What map explains events that took place in the past or shows how a place has changed over time?

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time lines are basically a sequence of events in order.