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Q: What is a sentence for maneuver?
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Sentence in noun form for the word maneuver?

that was a great maneuver by john

What is a good sentence for maneuver?

Maneuver your car around the obstacles to gain points.

Can you put maneuver into a sentence?

Yes you can

A sentence with maneuver?

Richard is dumb

How can you use the word maneuver in a sentence?

The pilot made a difficult maneuver to dodge a bird.

What is a sentence for the word maneuver?

I can only assume the passengers were tossed about because of the defensive maneuver.

Make a sentence with the word heimlich maneuver?

Bob saved the choking man with the Heimlich maneuver.

Use maneuver in a sentence?

In order to get a clear shot, the policemen had to maneuver into position past the stand of trees.

How can you use both movement and maneuver in a sentence?

The general used a maneuver called a flanking movement to surprise the enemy.

How do you use manuever in a sentence?

Maneuver is a way to describe how something is moving. "She had to concentrate hard to maneuver in and out of traffic quickly. "

What is a sentence using the word maneuver?

(noun) The maneuver by the cavalry completely outflanked the enemy forces.(verb) Ships must maneuver past the sandbars as they travel upriver.The quarterback missed being tackled by making a quick maneuver.

What is a sentence with manuever?

My driving instructor told me that I executed the turning maneuver perfectly.