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To prevaricate means to lie, or to tell only part of the truth. It may also include one liar's fondness for, "telling the truth in a way no one will believe."

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15y ago
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11y ago

If you always prevaricate, you will not be trusted.

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13y ago

I went to a shop and there was a dress i liked ,but then i was another that looked even nicer and I prevaricated.

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Q: What is a sentence with the word prevaricate in it?
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Synonyms for prevaricate are lie, mislead and misinform.

What is an example of a sentence using the word prevaricate?

John always prevaricates, he almost distorts the truth and actually believes it.

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What is the noun form of prevaricate?

The noun form for the verb prevaricate is prevaricator or prevarication.

Put prevaricate in a sentence?

pre·var·i·cate/priˈvariˌkāt/Verb: Speak or act in an evasive way: "he prevaricatedwhen journalists asked questions".

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What does do you have the audacity to doubt my veracity and insinuate that I prevaricate?

How dare you calling me a liar.

What is a synonym for evade?

to avoid, to dodge, to escape, to elude, to shirk, to equivocate, to prevaricate

What is the anaolgy of prevaricate?

1st off, "analogy" is the correct spelling for the fourth word in the question. 2ndly, to "prevaricate" is to lie, to give false witness/testimony, to state non-facts as though they were facts. That is the "true" definition of prevaricate. However, most dictionaries bow to the users of that word in saying that it is not *actually* lying, but merely "almost" lying or just leaving some parts out...deception via word play... (re: only certain types of sexual acts actually being part of a "sexual relationship" with someone or even actual "sex" with a person.) In truth "prevaricating" is what the extreme upper class (or lawyers) call the lies told by them and all of the other very extreme upper class (or legal) family and friends they keep, because, of course, only the lower classes (or people who don't have good lawyers) actually tell "lies."

What rhymes with separated?

Reparation Desparation Cogitation Integration Need I go on? :}