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A 'file' that creeps it way into your computer ( different ways ) and damages your files and computer.

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Q: What is a simple definition for computer virus?
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definition of a computer virus definition of a computer virus

Who was the first person to offer a definition for the term Computer Virus?

Rick Skrenta is founder OS computer virus.

Definition of virus?

Virus is software which is enter up & destry of computer functional pogramma

In 1983 who was the first to offer a definition of the term '' computer virus ''?

Fred CohenFred Cohen defined the term " computer virus" in 1983 .

Which person was the first to offer a definition of the term 'computer virus' in 1983?

fred cohen

Who was the first person in 1983 to offer a definition of the term 'computer virus?

josh smith

Why computer virus is named as virus not anything else?

A virus is a destructive simple organism which damages its host. The same applies to these programs in their host operating system.

What is the definition of virus?

A specific pattern of virus codeAccording to, a virus is" a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer; "a true virus cannot spread to another computer without human assistance""

What is Simple and short definition of analog computer?

A computer which works by varying a mechanical position, or electrical value.

What is the definition of antivirus update?

An anti-virus update downloads the latest known threats to your computer - so the anti-virus program is up-to date.

How do you destroy virus?

Destroy the computer, then buy a new one dummy. It's that simple people.

Where can you get a list o computer viruses?

Do a simple google search for "Computer virus list" and mcafee should come up first.