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are personal beliefs, standards, feelings, and thoughts to an individual regardless if it is true or false.

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Q: What is a subjective claim?
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If the means used to discover reality are subjective why do people come to claim a different reality?

it is impossible to use subjective means to discover an objective reality. That's why people claim different realities. because there is an objective reality, but you have to use objective means to find out what it is. If you use subjective means you will get a subjective answer, different claims of reality, because different subjective means.

What is a A subjective claim?

are personal beliefs, standards, feelings, and thoughts to an individual regardless if it is true or false.

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"Whom" is an objective pronoun used as the object of a verb or preposition in a sentence. It is not possessive.

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What are the key differences between subjective and non subjective issues?

A non-subjective issue has generally accepted criteria that can be used to judge it while a subjective issue does not.

What is the pronoun of the subjective case?

Subjective pronouns are used only for the subject of a sentences or clause.The subjective pronouns are I, you, we, he, she, it, and they.

Which of the following group of pronouns are used in the subjective case?

"I, he, she, we, they, who" are pronouns used in the subjective case.

What are three subjective pronouns?

Three subjective pronouns are he, she, or they.

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Subjective Symptom

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Subjective claim