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A word that substitutes for a noun is a pronoun, which must match the noun in person, number, gender. This is called pronoun-antecedent agreement.

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Q: What is a substitute word that must always match the word it is substituting for in person number and gender?
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When you hear others say she is they are or he is are they making factual statement or inferences?

In most cases, when you use a grammatical form that specifies gender or number, you are making a factual statement because you actually do know the gender or number of people you are talking about, but of course, in some cases you might be guessing, or might be misinformed. That is always possible.

What is a pronoun disagreements?

Pronouns must agree with their noun antecedent. The pronoun and the antecedent must be the same in number (singular or plural) and gender (male, female, neuter). When the pronoun is not the same in number or gender, there is pronoun disagreement.Examples:Mother said they would pick me up at four. (the pronoun 'they' does not agree in number with the antecedent 'mother')Mother said it would pick me up at four. (the pronoun 'it' does not agree in gender with the antecedent 'mother')Mother said she would pick me up at four. (the pronoun 'she' agrees in number (singular) and gender (female) with the antecedent 'mother')

Do pronouns indicate person gender and number?

Yes, pronouns do indicate person, gender, and number.person, does the pronoun replace a first person, second person, or third person noun;gender, does the pronoun replace a noun for a female, male, or neuter noun;number, does the pronoun replace a singular or plural noun or nouns.Pronouns must also be the correct case. case, is the pronoun used for the subject or the object in the sentence, or is it used to show possession.

What words describe the noun agreement in the sentence After hours of serious talk the two friends reached an agreement?

A pronoun is a substitute for a noun. An antecedent is the noun that the pronoun is standing in for.A pronoun must agree in number (singular, plural) and gender (male, female, neuter) with the noun antecedent.

What is the pronoun of the and whale?

"The" is an article and does not have a pronoun. Pronouns are used in the place of nouns, so you don't have to keep repeating the name. The pronoun for whale would depend on a number of things. Do you know the gender? If so, use "he" or "she" and "him" or "her". If you are not sure of the gender, use "it".

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Substituting a name is "evaluating". But there is no special name for substituting an expression.

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Because you are substituting a number for a variable. Like substituting salt for sugar in a cake recipe. Although you really shouldn't do the latter.

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Maduro/a Remembers that adjectives always have to agree in gender and number with the noun they are describing.

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The answer to the question is given in the question!If you want to find the value of an algebraic expression, then you need to substitute numerical values for each of the variables in the expression, and then calculate and simplify the result.

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Depends what the number is. If you were multiplying and did (substitute Z with any number)0xZ,the answer would always be zero. Actually the SUM is the answer to a addition problem. So the answer would be the number in which is to 0.

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In algebra when you substitute a letter in the equation for a number e.g. x+3= 5 therefore: 5-3= 2 if you substitute 2 into the equation you can see if you are right e.g. 2+3= 5 Hope this helps

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Find the answer by substituting number into the equationX + X2 = 90and you will find thatX = 9

To find the value of an algebraic expression by substituting a number for each variable and simplifying?


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None.Whatever number you substitute for 'x', 0x will always be 0,and the equation will always become [ 0 = 4 ].No value of 'x' can make [ 0 = 4 ]. There is no solution.

Is it possible to have a prediction that is not a whole number?

Yes, it is. You can make a prediction about the gender of an unborn child and the gender is not even a number!

A pronoun that has the same gender and number as its antecedent?

A pronoun that has the same gender and number as its antecedent is called pronoun-antecedent agreement.