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Strange, bizarre. I think "mysterious" generally means anonomous, unknown, confusing, or something/one that not much is known about. So I think two good synonyms for meyterious are: obvious, or well-known.

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Q: What is a synonym for 'mysterious'?
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What is an example of sentence using the word mysterious?

It is a mysterious phenomenon.This is a mysterious place.

What is a good synonym for mysterious?

It's a riddle inside an enigma wrapped in a mystery. It's a conundrum, a head scratcher, a poser. It could be concealed, encoded, cabalistic. It's unintelligible, Greek to me, written in runes

What part of speech is mysterious?

Mysterious is an adjective used to describe a noun. For example, "He is mysterious" or "The mysterious man appeared."

Is mysterious is a common noun?

No, the word 'mysterious' is not a noun.The word 'mysterious' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.Example: A mysterious package came for you today.The noun form of the adjective 'mysterious' is mysteriousness.The word 'mysterious' is the adjective form of the noun mystery.