malnourishedFamished Hungry Unnourished
No, the word 'ravenous' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun as extremely hungry, voracious.The noun form of the adjective 'ravenous' is ravenousness.The noun 'ravenousness' is a concrete noun as a word for a physical condition.The noun 'ravenousness' is an abstract noun as a word for an intense desire.
Famished, Starving
Well, the meaning of ravenous is very hungry like all the kids were ravenous. good luck! sspr just for the informatian i am ten years old so if my answer is not accuret, or the spelling please tell me in the disscucion area. Good Luck! sspr
Glutenous, ravenous, voracious, insatiable, hungry, covetous, aviricous
craving, could eat a horse, hollow, famished, got the munchies, ravenous, starved
Synonyms: Empty, Greedy,Starving,Famished,Esurient,Rapacious. Antonyms: Full,Stuffed,Not Hungry,Satisfaied.
The term ravenous means very hungry. For example, the hungry and very ravenous man devoured a large amount of fried chicken and stole all the watermelon.
malnourishedFamished Hungry Unnourished
insatiable, unquenchable, unappeasable, prodigious, uncontrollable, compulsive, gluttonous, greedy, rapacious; enthusiastic, eager, keen, avid, desirous, hungry, ravenous, piggish, esurient.
Ravenous, voracious
A possible suffix for "ravenous" could be "ness", forming the word "ravenousness" to describe the state of being extremely hungry or voracious.
bear caved.
The word is thirsty.
first, he is thirsty not hungry. and the color is black.