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provocation, censure, barb

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Q: What is a synonym for the word taunt?
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What part of speech is taunt in the sentence The class' taunt made the girl cry?

In the example sentence, the word 'taunt' is a noun, subject of the sentence.The word 'taunt' is both a verb and a noun.

What part of speech is the word taunt?

The word taunt is a regular verb. The past tense is taunted.

What is the Hebrew word for taunt?

to taunt = ligleg (ליגלג)

What is a sentene using the word taunt?

I will now taunt you by not answering this question properly.

What is a sentence using the word taunt?

The taunt rang across the schoolyard. The taunt was the ugliest phrase he could think of and shocked the room.

What does taunt mean in a sentence?

Consulting a thesaurus, the word taunt is used to descibe provoking, mocking, and/or teasing.

What part of speech is taunt?

The word 'taunts' is a noun, the plural form of taunt; and a verb, the third person singular for the verb to taunt. Example sentences:Noun: The taunts were designed to hurt your feelings.Verb: She taunts you because she has no self esteem of her own.

What word means to jeer or taunt?


What is the word replaced by make fun of?

Tease or taunt

What is a synonym of a synonym?


Is taunt a noun verb adverb or adjective?

The word taunt is both a verb (taunt, taunts, taunting, taunted) and a noun (taunt, taunts).The verb to taunt is to provoke or challenge in a mocking or insulting manner; to jeer at.The noun taunt is a word for a remark made in order to anger, wound, or provoke someone.The adjective form is taunting. The adverb form is tauntingly.