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Q: What is a tested model that explains certain results from experiments?
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A tested model that explains certain results from an experiment?

i have no idea tell me

What were gregor Mendel's experiments and the results?

He tested on garden peas and pisums. He was very successful in his studies.

To show that the results of the experiments are actually due to the conditions being tested what do scientists use?


Is A law is a well-tested and widely accepted view that best explains certain scientific observations?

No, a law in science is a statement that describes a consistent pattern observed in nature, often expressed in the form of a mathematical equation. Laws do not explain why phenomena occur, but they describe what happens. Theories, on the other hand, provide explanations for why and how phenomena occur based on evidence and testing.

What is well-tested and widely accepted view that best explains certain scientific observations?

A Scientific Theory

What Is a well-tested and widely accepted view that best explains certain scientific observations.?

A Scientific Theory

Who is tested?

he is a boy who does experiments

Why is the hypothesis that black cats cause bad luck not science?

The results of studying the hypothesis are not repeatable and are open to judgement. The hypothesis cannot be tested by controlled experiments.

Why is the hypothesis black cats cause bad luck not science?

The results of studying the hypothesis are not repeatable and are open to judgement. The hypothesis cannot be tested by controlled experiments.

What is the purpose of using multiple control groups in an experiments?

To help you conclude that no uncontrolled factors significantly influenced your results. To help you determine that your experimental results are valid To help control for factors that aren't being tested but might affect results

What is the variable that is the part of the experiments that is being tested or the part that is changed by the person doing the experiments?


A hypothesis can be tested by observation or?

by performing controlled experiments.