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agitation - state of emotional disturbance or discomposure

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It’s what builds up inside after dealing with stupid people

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Q: What is aggitation?
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Can lorazepam cause aggitation?

Yes. This is called a paradoxical reaction and would most likely occur in the elderly!

You are concerned about somene who is taking both seoquel and depakote and is not bipolar he has dementia is this normal for this type of diagnosis?

Sometimes the combination of medications are use to try and control negative behaviors (delusions, hallucination, aggitation) in patients with dementia.

How long does it take a drop of food dye to color a class of still water?

There is not a lot of information to answer this. For example, you haven't stated the type of dye, it's concentration, the volume of the drop, the volume of liquid, how it is added, weather there is aggitation or convection etc, the shape of the vessel that the water is in. These are just a few things that your question depends on.

When you tranquilize a bear for how long are they out?

Depends on the tranq used and whether the correct initial dosage was used based on the animal's weight. Some meds require an antidote to bring the animal out post treatment. ` Otherwise the idea is to give the animal enough tranquilizer so that is it awakening at the time manipulation/treatment ends. If the animal is waking before treatment is completed a secondary dose can be calculated and administered to keep it quiescent for additional time. The aggitation level and or pain level of the animal before it is tranquilized also plays a role in how well and how long the tranquilizer works.

What are all the potions in Harry Potter and what do they do?

Amortentia also known as a love potion, Confusion Conncotion cause confusion, Draught Of Living Death this potion puts the drinker into a deep sleep seeming to be dead but not, Draught of Peace this potion calms anxiety and soothes aggitation, Felix Felicis also known as Liqiud Luck, Polyjuice Potion Changes the drinkers appearance, Veritaserum also know as the truth potion.

What is a mnemonic for depression?

S Sleep (insomnia or hypersomnia) I Interests (diminished interest in or pleasure from activities) G Guilt (excessive or inappropriate guilt; feelings of worthlessness) E Energy (loss of energy or fatigue) C Concentration (diminished concentration or indecisiveness) A Appetite (decrease or increase in appetite; weight loss or gain) PPsychomotor (retardation or agitation) S Suicide (recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal ideation or suicide attempt) +Mood or MICE SAP GD ( i like this one better) with mice symptoms decreasing, sap up or down... m mood i interests c concentration e energy s sleep a appetite p psychomotor aggitation/depression guilt death thoughts

How do you felt?

Choose a yarn that felts, ie an animal fiber that has not been mercerized (turned into "superwash") and is not blended with much of a fiber other than animal hair. For example, too much acrylic will prevent a wool blend from felting. Knit or crochet the project using needles about three sizes larger than you would ordinarily use with yarn of that thickness. If there isn't enough space between the stitches it will not felt well. Try felting a test swatch before committing to a large project. When the project (or swatch) is ready to felt, put it in a zippered pillowcase and into the clothes washer along with two or three pairs of jeans and a dash of detergent. Set the controls to maximum heat and maximum aggitation (the setting for extra dirt will have the most aggitation). Check in about five minutes to see if the project is starting to shrink yet. Keep setting the cycle back to the beginning when you check so that it never reaches the spin cycle. Different yarns in different colors, projects, and washing machines will felt at different rates. So check every five minutes until it starts to shrink. Once it starts it will progress quickly, so check more often. When the project is the desired size and/or texture, stop. If in doubt, stop. You can always felt more, but you cannot unfelt if you go too far. Squeeze out the excess water and shape to dry. If it's a purse, stuff it with towels or a small box wrapped in plastic wrap so it will dry in a pleasing shape. For a hat, cover your head in plastic wrap and wear the hat until dry for a perfect fit.

How does smoking affect your singing voice?

Smoke affects the mucous producer in your lungs and throat. Constantly clearing your throat causes the vocal cords to be less smooth from constant aggitation. Over time buildup of the mucous and damage to the vocal cords causes a deeper scratchy sounding voice.

Why is agitation necessary to get clean clothes?

easy. it works better to agitate anything when cleaning, not just clothes. Imagine washing your hands by just puting them in water and not rubing at all, some stuff would come off but if they are dirty most of the stuff will still be on your hands. with clothes it is even more necessary because the are porous and things can get stuck in the fabric, aggitation forces water through the clothes and moves new cleaner water to the area. Also the physical movement helps break up the molecules of whatever might be in your clothes which increases the surface area and allows for faster and more comlplete wash. There are more reasons, like to evenly spread the soap around which breaks up the dirt molecues and allows it to be washed away and not stick right back on the clothes. I suppose if the clothes were not very dirty and if they sat for a long time in soapy water, then were rinsed several more times than usual, agitation would not be necessary. so basically it works alot better to agitate the clothes while washing.

Why are people cranky in the morning?

It is the result of bad night sleep. Not getting enough sleep increases risk of heart problems, diabetes, depression and substance abuse. Lack of sleep also tempts appetite and may lead to weight gain and even future obesity. There are many things that depend on our good night's sleep, see this article for more details about how to make your sleep better at night:

How did the French eventually stop the English Army in the Hundred Years war?

Most of the French nobility, accepted Philip of Valois as King Philip VI, because Edward III was English and unsuitable. He was only fifteen years old, had only just succeeded in England to the throne in very dubious circumstances and had plenty that was to occupy him at home. Edward did visited Philip for Aquitaine and Ponthieu in 1329, but in 1337 Philip confiscated them to punish him for harbouring Philip's cousin and enemy, Robert of Artois. This was really the starting point of the war, in which the English won victories at Crécy in1346, Poitiers in1356 and Agincourt in 1415. The high point of English fortune came when Henry V took control of Paris, Normandy and much of northern France. He then married Charles VI's daughter and forced the French king to accept him as regent of France and successor to the throne. The aggitation coninued However, both Henry and Charles died in year 1422. The French dauphin made himself king as Charles VII with inspirational support from Joan of Arc. Henry VI was the only English king ever to have been crowned King of France in France, this was at the age of ten in Paris in 143. Gradually the territory that was held across the Channel slipped out of the English monach control. Then, in 1436 the English lost Paris and by 1450 the French went on and recovered Normandy. In 1451 the French overran Aquitaine and took Bordeaux, which had been in English hands for some three hundred years and who ran a thriving wine trade with English. A deputation of citizens then sailed to England around 1452 to beg Henry VI for help. The King decided to send a force some 3,000 strong under John Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, wich arrived in October. The locals welcomed the army who turned the French garrison out. In that time the English recovered most of western Gascony. However, in July 1453 a French army defeated Talbot at Castillon and Talbot himself, greatly admired by French and English alike, was killed in battle When it was clear to the Talbots armies that no more help would come from England, Bordeaux surrendered in October. They were left to pay a heavy fine and leave Calais as the last English possession in France. It is this event that marked the accepted end of the war. The Wars of the Roses soon commenced and this was to keep the English occupied for some time both straegically and financially and when an English army next landed in France, in 1475, King Louis XI is said to have bribed it to go home again. The French finally recovered Calais itself in 1558. A mutual antagonism has lasted ever since between the two countires. England was left to develop parliamentary democracy and an empire as an offshore island, separate from the rest of Europe, though the English kings still officially claimed to be kings of France all the way down to George III.

Can two female Bettas be together?

Yes, you can. Just be sure not to put two males together!!! Also, the females can get aggressive. They will establish a pecking order. Just make sure that one doesn't pick on the other one. is a great site for information.