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Something describing a noun.

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Q: What is ajectives?
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Is odd a ajectives?

Odd is an adjective.

What adjectives would describe Paul Strzelecki?

Has no ajectives to discribe him.But you can try

What are the One Direction ajectives?

FabuLOUIS, AmaZAYN, BrilLIAM, PhenomeNIALL, and ExtroardanHARRY <3 xD

Why do you need English classes?

to teach how to write properly and all of the writing rules like ajectives, nouns, verbs and all of that.

What are some ajectives that begin with the letter g?

Good Great Giant Greedy Girly Geeky Gigantic Golden Grey Greasy Global

Which one adjective from letter f i can use with word foxes?

Ajectives, beginning with F, you can use to describe Foxes. Try "Foxy Foxes" or "Fine Foxes" !

Which adjective would describe the most heat beyond any other?

A scorching, blistering, searing, blazing inferno would be a good start. If you want to emphasize extreme heat you're better off using multiple ajectives.

What ajectives describe J.K. Rowling?

she has a dry tongue humor and can be bossy

How can you describe yuorself?

I am an artificial intelligence designed to assist with a wide range of tasks and provide helpful responses to inquiries. My main goal is to provide accurate and relevant information in a quick and efficient manner.

What is creative writing and its characteristics?

i did it and i think it is amazing!! the best work i ever produced was during crietive writing time all you do is write but in a funky atmosphere eg with motart ,candles ,fruit and in the dark with the pirymid that has ajectives verbs ect all you have to do is get it off the web of send away for it p.s also use special pens

How do you increase word count?

You increase word count by asking "What if?" Ask what the character would do if something happened, then write that scene. Ask what if something else happened, and write that scene. Cut down on your adjectives and adverbs and write vivid, interesting sentences that pull the reader into your story.

What are the features for a good report?

Introduction conclusion paragraphs punctuation personal thoughts emotional language rhetorical question ajectives adverbs simile's metaphors facts quote's