We only have room to accommodate two people. The restaurant can accommodate a party of 50.
We would be glad to accommodate your needs, sir.
Example sentence - Her behavior was a commendable example for her peers.
An example sentence is a sentence written to show usage of a particular word or phrase. This sentence is an example of an example sentence!
That is a sentence using the word troops.
The word "accommodation" is the noun form of the word "accommodate. " An example of a sentence using the word "accommodation" is "It is a 5-star hotel that offers every accommodation you would expect of the very best establishments. "
we accommodate numerous people in the hall
We only have room to accommodate two people. The restaurant can accommodate a party of 50.
We built this ramp to accommodate our disabled customers.
That dining hall is large enough to accommodate 150 guests.
It is easy to accommodate your elderly parents in your house if you love them. Some offices were relocated to accommodate the larger data center.
We would be glad to accommodate your needs, sir.
Any customer service representative with even an ounce of professionalism will always do his or her best to accommodate you.
Example sentence - We were able to enclose an area large enough to accommodate several horses.
My classmate will Accommodate me to the libary
The hotel was happy to accommodate its guests.
This is an example of a sentence using the word breakfast.