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A "constant"

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Q: What is another word for a factor that is kept the same in scientific experiments?
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What is another word for kept out of the way?

hold back

How can you Put jabbering in a sentence?

Jabbering is a verb, meaning a type of nonstop speaking. In a sentence you could say "The child kept jabbering about her trip to the zoo.", or in another sense, "The politician kept jabbering about the deficit."Jabbering is a verb, meaning a type of nonstop speaking. In a sentence you could say "The child kept jabbering about her trip to the zoo.", or in another sense, "The politician kept jabbering about the deficit."Jabbering is a verb, meaning a type of nonstop speaking. In a sentence you could say "The child kept jabbering about her trip to the zoo.", or in another sense, "The politician kept jabbering about the deficit."Jabbering is a verb, meaning a type of nonstop speaking. In a sentence you could say "The child kept jabbering about her trip to the zoo.", or in another sense, "The politician kept jabbering about the deficit."Jabbering is a verb, meaning a type of nonstop speaking. In a sentence you could say "The child kept jabbering about her trip to the zoo.", or in another sense, "The politician kept jabbering about the deficit."Jabbering is a verb, meaning a type of nonstop speaking. In a sentence you could say "The child kept jabbering about her trip to the zoo.", or in another sense, "The politician kept jabbering about the deficit."Jabbering is a verb, meaning a type of nonstop speaking. In a sentence you could say "The child kept jabbering about her trip to the zoo.", or in another sense, "The politician kept jabbering about the deficit."Jabbering is a verb, meaning a type of nonstop speaking. In a sentence you could say "The child kept jabbering about her trip to the zoo.", or in another sense, "The politician kept jabbering about the deficit."Jabbering is a verb, meaning a type of nonstop speaking. In a sentence you could say "The child kept jabbering about her trip to the zoo.", or in another sense, "The politician kept jabbering about the deficit."

What does keep mean?

it can be used as a verb- He kept the ball. another answer is a noun, as, technically, any word can be a noun. i.e.- Kept is a verb and a noun. kept is the noun in that sentence.

What is another word for saved?

Synonyms for saved are rescued, protected, guarded, preserved, kept, salvage.

What is the opposite word of hidden?

secretive, mysterious, concealed, covered,

Related questions

When a scientific experiments is carried out in a controlled setting all variables are kept the same except for the variable?

When a scientific experiment is carried out in a controlled setting, all variables are kept the same except for the control variable. The control variable is something that is constant and unchanged in an experiment, and is held constant to test the relative impact of independent variables.

What is a contolled experiment?

A scientific investigation in which both the control group and experimental group(s) are kept under similarvariables apart from the factor under study so that the effect or influence of that factor can be identified or determined.

What is a expirence?

There are many different kinds of controlled experiments. Most controlled experiments have many components that can be kept in check.

What factor is kept the same between the control and experimental groups is called?

A factor that is kept the same between the control and experimental groups is called

What is a variable factor?

a variable factor is anything in your experiment that can change. not like a control factor, which is kept constant through the whole experiment.

What factor is kept constant?

The factor that is kept constant in an experiment is called the controlled variable. It is important to keep this variable constant to accurately measure the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable.

What factor is kept the same in a scientific experiment?

All variables except for the independent and dependent variables should be kept the same. The other two will be changed by a fixed amount and by an unknown amount to be discovered during the experiment, respectively.

If two students conduct the same experiment -what should be kept the same?

The variables that should be kept the same between the two experiments include the materials used, the procedure followed, the conditions under which the experiment is conducted (e.g. temperature, lighting, etc.), and the measurements taken. This ensures that any differences in the results can be attributed to the factor being studied rather than other variables.

Gases kept at constant temperature if its temperature is change from 50 celsius to 100 celsius by what factor does the factor change?

The temperature factor increases to 1.1547, approx.

What is another form of keep?


What animals are kept as laboring animals?

For brain or drugs experiments, rats are frequently used but dogs and monkey are also used a lot.

In biology what is a variable?

In biology, a variable is any factor or condition that can change or be controlled in an experiment. Variables can be independent (the factor being tested), dependent (the outcome being measured), or controlled (kept constant for comparison). Understanding and controlling variables is critical for designing valid experiments and drawing accurate conclusions.