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Slave master or a refined approach would be a plantation owner because back in the period of slavery it would be very rare to have a plantation owner who did not have slaves of some kind.

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Q: What is another word for slave owners?
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When was the word negro first used?

By slave owners.

What word mean the same as slave?

Another word for slave is servant.

Why would slave owners want to keep slaves from gathering or meeting one another?

Slave owners wanted to prevent slaves from gathering or meeting to minimize the risk of rebellion or resistance. By keeping them isolated, they could maintain control and prevent organized efforts to escape or challenge their authority. Additionally, restricting social interactions among slaves helped to weaken their sense of solidarity and unity.

Who benefitted from the slave trade?

the white men benifitted, slave owners

What were slave owners called?

Masters or just plain slave owners

Who were slaveholders?

Slave owners are people who own the rights of the labor of another person, and can hold total dominion over their lives. There were slave owners all across the globe and in all ages of human history. Slave owners were Black, White, Asian, Native American, Arab, etc...All races have been slaves and slave owners.

Did slave owners pay slaves?

North Slave owners did pay their slaves, but south slave owners didn't. See the following link.

Where did the slave owners buy there slaves?

The slave owners bought their slaves at auctions.

What is Another word for slaves?

Another word for slave would be servant. Prisoner would be acceptable, but not as accurate as the first word. Hope this helps!

How did slave owners benefits from slavery?

Slave owners benefited from slavery by exploiting the labor of enslaved individuals to generate significant wealth and economic advantages for themselves. They could also control and dominate the lives of enslaved people, exerting power and maintaining social status within their communities. Additionally, the dehumanization and mistreatment of enslaved individuals allowed slave owners to perpetuate a system of racial superiority that justified their actions and preserved their wealth and privilege.

What v is another word for slave?


Nonslaveholders followed the leadership of slave owners because?

of their desire to become slave owners.