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It depends on how you use it ;)









the best food I've ever tasted.

or...look it up in a Thesaurus for crying out loud!

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13y ago

Another word for sweets is "sugary snack", but this question does not have a right or wrong answer because you can call sweets anything you want, but you can also call it candy.

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How do you say sweets in maori?

'rare' is the maori word for sweets.

What is French word for sweets?

Sweets, as in candy, would be 'des bonbons'.

Are animal fat in sweets?

sometimes they can eat sweets but another animals can't.

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What is noun of sweets?

The noun 'sweets' is the plural form of the noun 'sweet', a word for a food having a high sugar content; a word for a thing (things).

What noun is sweets?

The noun 'sweets' is the plural form of the noun 'sweet', a word for a food having a high sugar content; a word for a thing (things).

What is a candy in UK?

'Candy' is the American word for 'Sweets' which is a British word for confectionery.

What is the plural of sweets?

The plural of sweet would be sweets. Though the word is more commonly used as an adjective than as a noun.

What is a sentence that has the word grudgingly in it?

A sentence with the word 'grudgingly' in it could be 'i grudgingly shared my sweets with my brother'

Can give a sentence involving the word unfair?

It was unfair that the two boys got sixteen sweets each whereas the two girls got two sweets each.

Are sweets masculine or feminine?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female.The noun 'sweets' is a word for something sweet to eat, such as candy, cake, etc. The noun sweets has no gender, it is a neuter noun.

Is Sweetness abstract noun?

No, the word 'sweets' is a concrete noun (plural form of the noun sweet), a word for something that tastes sweet.A concrete noun is a word for something that can be experienced by any of the five physical senses; something that can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. Sweets can be tasted.