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Q: What is another word for to divide into groups?
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What is another word for divide?

another word for dividing is share, separate

What is the abstract word for divide?

The word 'divide' is an abstract noun as a word for a divergence between two groups, typically producing tension or hostility, for example a cultural divide. The noun 'divide' is a concrete noun as a word for a ridge of land. The abstract noun form for the verb to divide is division.

What is another word of saying divide?

It is split it

How do you divide the word another into syllables?


What is the noun form of the word divide?

The word 'divide' is a noun as a word for a ridge of land that separates two adjacent river systems; a word for a serious disagreement between two groups of people; a word for a thing.Noun forms of the verb to divide are divider, division, and the gerund, dividing.

What is the word for the answer after you divide one number by another?

The word for the answer after dividing one number by another is the quotient.

Divide is the verb then what is the noun?

The word divide is both a verb and a noun.The noundivide is a word for a wide divergence between two groups or the ridge of high ground forming the separator between two river systems; a word for a divergence between two groups, often producing tension or hostility; a word for a thing.The noun forms of the verb to divide are divider and the gerund, dividing.A related noun form is division.

If divide is a verb then what is the noun?

The word divide is both a verb and a noun.The noundivide is a word for a wide divergence between two groups or the ridge of high ground forming the separator between two river systems; a word for a divergence between two groups, often producing tension or hostility; a word for a thing.The noun forms of the verb to divide are divider and the gerund, dividing.A related noun form is division.

What is a word is another word for to share and it has six letters and the second last lettter is d?


What is an agroupment?

An agroupment is another word for an aggroupment - an arrangement in groups or a grouping.

What is the corresponding noun for divide?

The word 'divide' is both a verb and a noun.The noun 'divide' is a word for an important difference or disagreement between two people or groups; an area of high ground from which water runs into two different bodies of water; a word for a thing.The noun forms for the verb to divide are a divider and the gerund, dividing.A related noun form is division.

Is quotient a division word or a multiplication word?

It is a division word. The quotient is the result you get when you divide a number (dividend) by another number (divisor).