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boredem is boredness

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Q: What is boredem?
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What hobbie should you start?

reading wrighting sports website building sowing niting theres collecting all sorts of stuff! hope this helps ur boredem!hugs and kisses

How do you cure boredem?

you can take up reading and spelling to cure you of BOREDOM, also do volunteer work and help with the animals in a shelter, you will find your BOREDOM will be gone in no time. it is very possible to die from boredem once you enter the "green zone" the "green zone" is a point of no return where your body shuts down and your mind keeps going, so u r essintially a human in a vegetables body, unable to move or speak, but still able to think and feel

Is pawing the floor a symptom of boredom?

Dogs = Excited or Bored/Fed-Up Cats = Happy or trying to get comfortable Horses = Stretching, Boredem or Trying to clear the floor to roll over.. sometimes linked with being unwell

How can you tell if its bored in its stall?

A horse will kick its door, box walk, to small amounts of hay and eat it quickly. It may even start to winsuck and crib bite- whinnying to other horses. You can buy boredem breakers such as likits, ribber balls, treats balls etc. Turnips and Swedes are also good toys!

What are some of the factors that influence hunger?

Brain activity, physical activity, consumption rates, malnutrition, hypothalamus (The Glucostat Theory), leptin and other hormones (The Lipostat Theory), palatability, boredom (this has to do with brain activity. To cope with boredem, your brain makes you feel hungry to cope with it. Your brain is bored of things like television, etc. because not a lot of brain activity going on), stress.

Has anyone ever tried to reduce school drop-out?

Way back in the 70's they tried to slow or stop student drop out. It was a complete failure. Fact is, students drop out almost entirely because of home-life problems. As homelife in the United States has gotten much worse since the 70's they stopped trying to reduce drop outs and now try to focus on school safety for those who can stay in. Divorce (52% in the United States in 2000 ad), Poverty (30 million working poor in the United States in 2005) and the death of the American Dream (owning your own home) has resulted in a huge increase in school drop-outs that will not be diminished in your lifetime. yes but it didnt work maybe home schooling would help children need fun at school not boredem