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Coercive manipulation is the attempt to induce an action or gain information through the use of forceful persuasion or intimidation. Examples of this activity are blackmail, extortion, torture, imprisonment, harassment, or threats of physical or personal harm.

Blackmailers may threaten to reveal incriminating or embarrassing information unless they receive money or favors. Criminal groups use the threat of death, harm or property damage to extort money from individuals and businesses. Governments may use detention, torture, and threats against political prisoners and their families. Companies may force employees to perform illegal or unethical acts as a condition of keeping their jobs. Political parties can influence their party members by threats of withdrawing support or of expulsion from the party. All of these constitute coercive manipulation.

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Q: What is coercive manipulation?
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What are methods for coercive manipulation?

Torture, isolation, threats.

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Some examples of activities that are considered coercive are harassment, imprisonment, torture, extortion, or threats of physical harm.Torture, isolation and threats.torture, isolation, threats

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The coercive act were a series of four acts established by the British government.

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An unexpected result of the Coercive Acts was the increased support for Massachusetts and its resistance to the authority of England. The Coercive Acts were originally meant to subdue disobedience.

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The Port of Boston was the port that was closed as a result of the Coercive Acts. British Parliament issued the Coercive Acts after the Boston Tea Party in 1774.

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The Intolerable Acts

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The Boston Massacre took place in 1770 while the Coercive acts took place in 1774 4 years later.

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