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A reference book is a book which is used to refer to. To refer means to check out a particular thing and about it.

Usually when we mention reference books, we are talking about encyclopedia, atlas, dictionary and etc.

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The title of a reference book indicates the sort of information that may be found in the book.

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What are specialized reference book?

Specialized reference books are printed reference books that include factual information on specific, or specialized topics. The American Heritage science dictionary, the Encyclopedia of philosophy, religion or popular music would be specialized reference books.

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No, then it would not be a reference dimension. Reference dimensions by definition have no tolerance.

What is the definition for datum dimension?

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What are books called that can't be checked out?

Reference books.

What are the kinds of reference book?

Reference books include things like dictionaries and encyclopedia - they are books that contain authoritative facts.

Why are reference books called reference books?

Reference books are called references books because they are referred to to obtain information on different topics. So you can use them as a reference to write a report or an essay and get information on that topic. They are cool and easy to use. I recommend using an encyclopedias to look up topics.

What kind of books have indexes?

Nonfiction books. Usually reference books like textbooks or research books.