no full form.
what is the full form of answer
full form of bike
The full form of video is visual interpretation due to electronic orientation.
The full form of something is the words that make up an acronym. For example, the full form of MBA is the Major League Baseball Association.
"Didi" is a nickname for the professional baseball player Didi Gregorius. His full name is Mariekson Julius Gregorius.
This is my favourite show.It is my dream to participate in Didi no 1.It is a source of full entertainment to our whole family.So I like to participate in Didi no 1season 4.
Didi, the shortened form of the male name Dieter or Dietrich, is pronounced Did'ee
Hi, I'm Kaberi Mondal. I am huge fan of DIDI NO 1 & RACHANA BANERJEE'S smile. I love the games very much in DIDI NO 1. I want to participate in DIDI NO 1 season 4. so please give me a chance to an audition.
Didi Petet's birth name is Didi Widiatmoko.
Didi didi
didi didi
Majhli Didi was created in 1967.
Didi Gregorius was born in 1989.
Didi Senft was born in 1952.