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Commas in the middle of a sentence, such as these, are internal punctuation; however, so are semicolons! But the exclamation point is at the end of the sentence and so is not internal!

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Q: What is internal punctuation?
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What are the terminal and internal punctuation mark?

Terminal punctuation marks are used at the end of a sentence, such as periods, question marks, and exclamation points. Internal punctuation marks are used within a sentence, such as commas, semicolons, and colons.

What punctuation mark is used to indicate the parenthetical elements that are emphatic or they contain internal punctuation?

The em dash can be used to indicate parenthetical elements that are emphatic or contain internal punctuation. It is a versatile punctuation mark that can set off additional information in a sentence.

You joked until midnight someone finally pointed out you had to be up early for school?

It lacks internal punctuation such as a semi-colon or period.

Does a colon come before a punctuation or after a punctuation?

before a punctuation.

Is full punctuation a type of punctuation?

No, "full punctuation" is not a specific type of punctuation; it usually refers to the use of all standard punctuation marks like periods, commas, question marks, exclamation points, etc. for proper grammar and sentence structure.

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a close punctuation means a punctuation at the end of each sentence

What punctuation does a mixed punctuation have after the salutation?

A colon.

When using open punctuation the salutation of a business letter should be followed by what punctuation mark?

None, open punctuation means there is no punctuation after the salutation or the complimentary close.

What are something to look for during local revision?

Grammar Diction Tone Punctuation

Word you can make out of punctuation?

Words are not made out of punctuation.

Do you put a comma after a punctuation?

No. A comma is a punctuation mark.

What is a antonym or synonym for punctuation?

A synonym would be punctuation mark