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a literary device used to emphasize the contrast (difference) between two words/phrases/anything.

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Q: What is juxtapostion?
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What does the word juxtapostion mean?

Juxtaposition refers to the act of placing two things side by side for comparison or contrast, often to create a specific effect or highlight a difference. It is a literary and artistic technique commonly used to evoke tension, emphasize differences, or provoke new insights.

What does juxtapositions mean?

Juxtaposition is a circumstance where two unlike things are next to one another. It has a quality of being unexpected.A teacup and its saucer are expected.A kitten that sees itself reflected in a mirror as a lion is not.A juxtaposition is the act of comparing or contrasting two items or ideas.For example: Shakespeare's "All's Well That Ends Well" contains elements of both comedy and tragedy, an interesting juxtaposition.1. an act or instance of placing close together or side by side,esp. for comparison or contrast.2. the state of being close together or side by side.misspelled. The word is "juxtaposition". Wikipedia has several explanations:, even misspelled, it seems to have some use. It appears to also be an art collection at the deviantart web site: likely, whoever created the section also dropped the 't' also has the answer and includes the corrected spelling (though they do not point out that they have corrected the spelling)"juxtapostion" appears to mainly mean placing two (or more) things side by side, usually to create a contrast or effect.

What is the theme of the poem God's Work by Ian McDonald?

God's Work by Ian McDonald is abt a man who has hired Prince or as he calls him Mister Edwards to work in his yard. The employer shows great respect for Mister Edwards and admires him. Mister Edwards was a strong black man that according to the persona wads never sick a day in his life until the day he became sick.Mister Edwards attributed eveything to the work of God: the rain, flood,destruction of property. the persona attributes Mister Edwards prolonged pain and suffering to his strong heart but Mister Edwards labels it as God's Work. The persona is with Mister Edwards until the moment he dies and proclaims it God's Work. The persona is deeply angered by this admonition and declares that "God should play more": it is nit necessarily meant to be disrespectful to the Almighty creator but to display the persona's bitterness and cynicism at the loss of a good friend. the persona beleives the situation to be greatly ironic as God is protrayed as the giver of life and the protector of the the life he has given-only for him to painstakingly take the life of a avid believer in the work's of God.