

Best Answer

A kind of generative grammar (Chomsky), the innate basis for learning, speaking and understanding any (verbal) language.

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What are the principles of grammar translation method?

The key principles of the grammar-translation method include a focus on grammar rules, translation of texts between the target and native languages, an emphasis on accuracy over fluency, and little to no emphasis on speaking and listening skills. This method is often criticized for its lack of communicative practice and relevance to real-world language use.

Does a balloon be fun?

It matters if you're mental capacity is as large as your ability to use grammar. If it is then you will have several hours of fun before it bursts. A balloon be fun indeed!

Is it grammar or grammar?

It is grammar.

Is grammar spelled grammar in the US?

No, grammar is spelled grammar in the U.S.

What is better townly grammar or bexley grammar?

Both Townley Grammar School and Bexley Grammar School are well-regarded institutions in the UK. The choice between the two schools may depend on specific factors such as academic programs, extracurricular activities, and location. It is recommended to visit both schools, speak with current students and teachers, and consider how well the school aligns with your personal preferences and goals.

What is the difference between descriptive grammar and prescriptive grammar?

Descriptive grammar describes how language is actually used by speakers, focusing on patterns and rules that are observed in natural language. Prescriptive grammar, on the other hand, prescribes rules and norms for how language should be used based on perceived standards of correctness or appropriateness.

Is this grammar?

Yes, it is grammar, but your spelling is wrong; it's spelt grammar.

What is regular grammar?

Grammar that we all use, there is no other kind of grammar.

What is the difference between constituency grammar and dependency grammar?

Constituency grammar analyzes the structure of a sentence based on constituents (phrases and clauses), which are hierarchical units. Dependency grammar, on the other hand, focuses on the relationships between words in a sentence where each word is dependent on another in a tree-like structure. Constituency grammar emphasizes structure, while dependency grammar emphasizes dependencies among words.

English grammar is more difficult to learn then rushian grammar?

English grammar is more difficult to learn then rushian grammar?

What are freaking grammar freaks?

Freaking Grammar Freaks are Grammar Freaks that are Freaking out!!!

What is grammar of sound?

The grammar of sound is sound-related grammar. ---Julia M.