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Q: What is on top of the capital bilding?
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What is the name of Georgia's government?

the Capital bilding

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you go to the top of the bilding and and you use the wrench to stop them

Where is the tallest bilding in the world?

If we knew what a bilding was we could help you out..

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jump from a bilding

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their house

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bilding a box

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I would tell you but I can't

What is the major indistry in Maryland?

bilding bots

What bilding does the congress work in?

Capitol Hill

What is the decorative top of a column?

The decorative top of a column is called the capital.

How do you wall jump in left 4 dead?

if u find a bilding then if there any 2 bilding then ctrl+right shot + then left shot tnx xD

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sheld bilding, capping.