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When referring to a one-person organization, do you still use "we"?

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Q: What is one person company?
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Who is total control of a type of industry by one person or one company?

A monopoly is total control of a type of industry by one person or one company.

Can an NRI Foreign National be a director in a One Person Company?

No, an NRI or Foreign National cannot be a Shareholder in a one person Company.

How can i person own a conglomerate company?

One person is able to own a conglomerate company if he or she has the money to buy and maintain it.

Is the person who made call of duty famous?

its not one person its a company

What is the name of person who owned Celkon?

This a company in India and is not owed by one person.

How many people are required to incorporate a One Person Company?

To incorporate a One Person Company, a Director and a nominee is required. A nominee member is one, who shall, in the event of promoter member's death or incapacitation become a member of the Company.

How many times can one person be bought out of one company?


Why is it their is a company name?

Same as the reason people have a name. If a company doesn't have a name, how will a person know what company someone else is talking about? Example: that company is awesome. What company? That one. Which one?

Can a Salaried person become the director in a One Person Company?

Yes, a salaried person become the director in a One Person Company , there are no legal bondages in this but you have to go through with your employment agreement if it contains any restrictions on doing so.

Definition of an ideal company?

The definition of an ideal company varies from person to person. Some people will consider the ideal company to be one that offers insurance and others will be interested in flexible schedules.

Who is the owner of Webkinz?

well, the company of "Ganz" owns webkinz. its not just one person, its a company that owns it.

Can a person work for one company and volunteer for a another company and use their workman's comp from the company they work for if they are injury at the volunteered place?
