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by making the way characters speak sound authentic

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Q: What is one way in which writers of realism bring readers into a story?
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What is one way in which writers of Realism bring readers into a story A. By letting readers choose different plot points B. By making the characters well-known people C. By making the readers charact?

C. By making the readers care about the characters and their lives, Realism writers create a strong emotional connection that helps draw readers into the story.

Characters are vital a literary work They?

Characters are vital to literary work because they help readers connect with the story. The characters bring the story to life for the readers.

What is one way modernist start their story with a climax?

One way modernist writers start their story with a climax is by employing the narrative technique known as "in medias res," where the story begins in the middle of the action or at a critical moment. This technique grabs the reader's attention immediately and sets the tone for the rest of the narrative.

In order to keep a reader engaged and the story moving along Which strategy should narrative writers employ in their writing?

Narrative writers should use a mix of descriptive language, dialogue, and action to keep readers engaged and the story moving along. It's important to balance these elements to maintain a sense of pacing and suspense for the reader. Additionally, creating complex and relatable characters can help to draw readers into the story and keep them invested in the outcome.

Why do writers use. Rhetorical question in a scary story?

Writers use rhetorical questions in scary stories to create tension, engage readers, and make them reflect on the narrative. Rhetorical questions can intensify the suspense and help build a sense of unease in the reader by prompting them to consider the unknown or the implications of the story.

Because they couldn't make assumptions about the educational or cultural background of their readers Modernist writers had to establish within the story in a way that would make sense to the carefree?

symbolic meaning

Did the writers write a plot for the original story 3D?

not yet the directors will call us back tonight and bring us to suburbia. in time.

Why do writers use figurative language to capture the interest of their readers to confuse their readers to make their readers laugh to make the stories longer for their readers?

Writers use figurative language to enhance the imagery, evoke emotions, and create a more engaging and vivid reading experience for their audience. It helps to make the writing more expressive and impactful by allowing the readers to connect with the text on a deeper level, rather than to confuse or lengthen the story. Humor can also be used to entertain and engage readers, but the primary goal is usually to enrich the writing and convey meaning in a more creative way.

Why does Defoe not mention the merchant's name?

Defoe's decision to not mention the merchant's name in "Robinson Crusoe" contributes to the novel's realism. By omitting specific details, he allows readers to focus on the general themes of survival, isolation, and redemption. This universalizes the story and enables readers to connect with the character on a more personal level.

What is something writers try to achieve in the dénouement of a story?

A sense that things have changed since the story's beginning.

What is the likelier response of a reader to the story uncle Marcos?

Readers of "Uncle Marcos" may be drawn to the magical realism and whimsical storytelling style of Isabel Allende. They may also appreciate the themes of love, loss, and family dynamics that are explored in the story. However, some readers may find the narrative structure and fantastical elements challenging to follow or connect with on a deeper level.

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The newspaper used yellow journalism tactics to sensationalize the story and attract more readers.