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Q: What is one word for doing the right thing?
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That doing the right thing and playing by the rules is that all that one needs to get what one wants out of life?

In my opinion doing the right thing and playing by rules is good

Who said leadership is doing the right thing when no one is watching?


What is a word for saying one thing and doing another?

A person who says one thing but does another is called a hypocrite.Saying to do this, and doing another is making someone a hypocrite

Why do you feel guilty for doing the right thing?

because sometimes everyone else is doing the wrong thing and its peer pressure :)).Not everyone can do the right thing it takes the love for God for one to do the right thing and don't forget the wisdom of God is foolishness to the world

Right now there is one thing every mortal on earth is doing what is it?


Is practical advice for peace and inner strength given in the Analects?

One of the pieces of advice for peace and inner strength that are given in the Analects is to do right, not just by vowing not to do wrong. This means that doing the right thing is far more important than simply not doing the wrong thing, simply not doing the wrong thing is taking no action, while doing the right thing is being proactive.

What is righteous rebel?

A righteous rebel is a person that does the right thing. What makes that person rebellious is the fact that other people who consider themselves righteous are not doing the right thing. When righteous people are not doing right, and one person will NOT rebel with those who are doing wrong-The one person is a righteous rebel. -this issue has to do with: ethics right wrong not conforming

What is One thing that congress is constitutionally prohibited from doing?

the right to a fair trialand representation

Who said Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching?

C. S. Lewis

What is a word for giving into peer pressure?

strength, individuality, and resolve. Though peer pressure isn't always a bad thing, some people have been pressured into doing the right thing!

Why is doing the right thing harder?

In all honesty, doing the right thing isn't harder. It does require you to think before you act. To consider the effects of, and the motivations of, your actions. So it takes a bit longer, and isn't exactly what the "rest of the world" appears to be doing, nor is it, generally, the thing you see people doing on TV or in the movies. But the great thing about doing the "right" things is that the more you practice it , the easier it gets, until one day you just do it without even thinking about it.

What is a difficult thing to do but it is the right thing to do?

stuff and yeah... Another Answer. Being a good person. Go to -- in one word what makes a good person.