

Best Answer

The word 'runt' is a noun, a singular, common noun; a word for the smallest, weakest animal of a litter; a word for a thing.

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Q: What is runt like a adj or noun?
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Related questions

Is runt a abstract noun?

No, the noun 'runt' is a concrete noun; a word for an undersized animal; a word for a physical thing.

Is runt an adjective?

No, it's a noun. Runt-ish could be an adjective, but that's not really a word you would use. Runt-like, maybe.

What are the parts of speech for think?

thought = noun; thoughtful = adj; thoughtless= adj, thinking = adj, thinker = noun.

Is runner an adjective?

an adjective describes a noun like blue (adj) sky (n); intelligent (adj) person (n); fast (adj) runner (n). If you can say "A" runner, "The" runner, it is a noun. So runner is a person, place or thing - noun.

What is a describing word?

it is a adj. it describes a noun like the noun is dog the adj. is playfulness While an adjective describes a noun (the DOG is PLAYFUL), an adverb describes a verb (the dog BARKED PLAYFULLY).

What part of is the word runt?

The word runt is a noun. The plural form is runts.

What part of speech is the word runt?

The word runt is a noun. The plural form is runts.

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Is weekly a noun?

No, its an adjective ---WRONG! can be a Noun, Adj., or Adv.

Determiner Adj Noun Adj Phrase Adj Clause Predicate?

Yes brief is an adjective. The word brief can describe something.