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SVOC is a clause pattern where S is the Subject, V is a transitive verb (a verb that needs an object), O is the object and C is an object complement (for example an adjective or verb phrase that is linked to the object and completes the sentence.)

Examples of this pattern:

The man made me angry.

S V O C (adj.)

This pattern causes difficulties for second language learners because of the uncertainty of what a complement is and what types of complements are acceptable. For example, it is quite common for non-native English speakers to create incorrect sentences like the following...

The man made me anger. (X)

This sentence is wrong because 'anger' is a noun and therefore cannot be linked to the object which is also a noun.

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Q: What is svoc in grammar?
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Is this grammar?

Yes, it is grammar, but your spelling is wrong; it's spelt grammar.

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