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Q: What is the 4 kinds of simple sentence?
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What are the 5 kinds of sentence?

1. Assertive or declarative sentence (a statement) 2. Imperative sentence (a command) 3. Interrogative sentence (a question) 4. Exclamatory sentence (an exclamation) 5. Negative sentence (a Negativeness)

Kinds of phrases according to structure?

A sentence is made up of one clause or more clauses. The kinds of sentence based on their structures other than complex sentence are namely: complex-compound sentence, compound sentence, simple sentence.

What are different kinds of sentence according to structure?

Sentence according to structure are: simple, compound, complex and compound-complex.

What are the 4 variations of a simple sentence?

imperative sentence declarative sentence

4 kinds of sentence according to structure?

The Imperative sentence is always use in putting a (.) in the last sentence

What is a complex sentence for Muslim?

Simple, complex, compound, compound -complex are the kinds of sentences in English Language. A complex sentence has nothing to do with Islam or a Muslim.

4 kinds of sentence according function?

The 4 types are declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory .

What are the 4 classification of sentences according to structure?

Simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence and compound complex sentence.

What ate the 4 kinds of sentence?

I'm sorry but i Ate it now ~Chesca

What are the 4 kinds of sentence according to structure?

demonstrative, declarative, interrogative and exclamatory

What is the 4 kinds of a sentence?

joke, retorical, ugly pretty, loser' dud

Kinds of sentence according to structure?

kinds of sentence according to structure