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Can you give me a sentence with word misunderstand?

Please correct me if I misunderstand you, but I believe your answer is 'none'.

What is a sentence with the word misunderstand?

You are they type of person who can misunderstand directions and still get away with it.

What the root word for misunderstand?

The root word for misunderstand is under

Can you give a sentence that has the word disappoint and misunderstand?

Can you give me a sentence that has the words misunderstand and disappointment?

Can you put the word misunderstand in sentence?

I don't want to misunderstand, but you seem to be asking a question.

What is the base word for miscalculate?

Synonyms include: misjudge, underestimate, overestimate, get it wrong, misconstrue, overvalue, overrate, undervalue, underrate, misunderstand

What is the root word of misunderstand?


Sentence using the word misunderstand?

When I made the comment, she looked most offended, but she will always misunderstand my comments!

How do you use the word misunderstand in a sentence?

The governor worried that voters would misunderstand his new spending policies. If you misunderstand the rules, you might violate them without meaning to.

Another word for misunderstand is?

misconstruemisinterpretconfusemix upfail to comprehend

What is the antonym for the word perceive?

neglect, overlook, misunderstand, miss

What is the prefix of misunderstand?

The prefix is mis. The word is misunderstood.