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A breathy voice is one that is not supported. A breathy voice often sounds shaky and will make the singer sound insecure.

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Q: What is the breathy voice?
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She is rumoured to have a type of spasmodic dysphonia which has caused her voice to become increasingly breathy over the years.

What are the types of vocal quality?

Vocal Quality is the personality, tone or texture of a voice. e.g. in twilight, edward's voie is considered "velvetly" and that would be a voice quality. some undersirable voice qualities are breathy, strident, nasal and denasal. by the way, this is something that is discussed very throughly in acting school, so rather than putting this question in the "music" category, it would be better in the "performing arts" category. :)

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When someone chortles, they chuckle. A chortle is a breathy laugh.

What is vocal quality?

Vocal Quality is the personality, tone or texture of a voice. e.g. in twilight, edward's voie is considered "velvetly" and that would be a voice quality. some undersirable voice qualities are breathy, strident, nasal and denasal. by the way, this is something that is discussed very throughly in acting school, so rather than putting this question in the "music" category, it would be better in the "performing arts" category. :)

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What caused the essential tremor in Katharine Hepburns voice?

Sounds very much like Spasmodic Dysphonia Unfortunately she isn't able to be tested for this disorder. Often known as Laryngeal dystonia/ it is a disorder affecting the voice muscles in the larnyx, also called the voice box. When you speak, air from your lungs is pushed between two elastic structures called your vocal folds -- causing them o vibrate and prodcuce your voice, In Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD), the muscles inside the vocal folds spasm(make sudden, involuntary movements), interfering with vocal fold vibrations. SD causes voice breaks during speaking and can make the voice sound tight, strained or breathy,

Is breathing an adverbs?

No, it is not an adverb. Breath is a noun (the verb is breathe). There is an adjective, breathy, which has an adverb form (breathily).

What does it mean when an author writes your voice is as breezy as your step?

This phrase likely means that the author perceives the person's way of speaking or communicating as easy-going, relaxed, and perhaps even carefree. It suggests that the individual's manner of expression is light-hearted and effortless, mirroring the carefree way they move through the world.

What word that describes singing with the letter b?

Beautiful, brilliant, breathy, brassy, baritone, bass, basso profundo, bocca chiusa