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The little brain

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Q: What is the cerebellum also called?
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What is part of the brain responsible for coordinating muscle movements and maintaining balance called?

The part of the human brain which controls voluntary muscle movement (controlled muscle movement) is called the Cerebellum. This part of the brain also controls your balance.cerebellum

What is the part of the brain that control actions of muscles and maintains balance?

Cerebellum. Also called the little brain in the posterior of the head.

What is brain called scientifically?


Referred to as the brain within the brain.?

The cerebellum is also sometimes called the "Little Brain" or the brain within the brain.

What is the combination of the pons and the cerebellum called?


What part separates cerebellum hemispheres?

tentorium cerebelli separates your cerebellum from your cerebrum.

What part of the brain coordinates the actions of your muscles and helps you keep your balance?

The part of the brain that regulates balance is the cerebellum ( found on in the hind brain which is located right on top of the spinal cord). The cerebellum looks wrinkled and also controls: - limb movement -muscle tone and coordination Both of which are important to balance.

Does the cerebellum exhibit fold called gyri separated by grooves called sulci?


Where is balance processed in the brain?

The part of the brain where balance is processed is the cerebellum. The cerebellum also controls posture and other motor functions.

Which is bigger medulla cerebrum or the cerebellum?

r cerebellum

What are the three parts of the brain called?

The cerebrum, brain stem and the cerebellum.

What is the region of brain concerned with coordination and skeletal muscle called?
