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the correct form is donor as in a blood or organ donor.

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Q: What is the correct form donor or donator?
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Related questions

What is the more correct form - donator or donor?

Both "donator" and "donor" are acceptable terms, but "donor" is the more commonly used and recognized form in English. It is recommended to use "donor" for clarity and consistency.

Which is preferred word donor or donator?

I'd say donor. Donator makes no sense and it's not really in most dictionaries.

What are synonyms of donor?

benefactor, benefactress, contributor, donator, giver

Can you be donator kidney if you had hepatitis A?

If you had Hep A but are completely clear of it and your kidney's are in fully working order, then you should be able to donate a kidney.However if you currently have any form of hepatitis it is not possible to be an organ donor.

What is meant by ageneral recipient and a general donor?

reciepient is a person who receives from someone else. like he might receive blood while donor is the donator. like ppl donate blood so they r donors.

When was Donator created?

Donator was created in 1989.

How do you spell donor?

That is the correct spelling of the word "donor" (one who donates).

How do you spell donour?

The correct spelling is "donor" (giver, donater).

Is the helium a donor?

No. Helium doesn't form compounds and is neither an electron donor nor an electron acceptor.

How do you spell contributor?

That is the correct spelling of "contributor" (provider, or charitable donor).

Who can not become an organ donator?

people with A+ blood

Is donor a verb?

No, "donor" is not a verb. It is a noun that refers to a person or entity that gives or donates something, typically in the context of charitable or philanthropic contributions. The verb form of "donor" is "donate."