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A learned person is one who is educated and knowledgeable about the sort of things you can learn from books.

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Q: What is the definition of learned?
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Your question is meaningless an innate behavior is one that is present at birth and therefore by definition can not be learned. Thus the words "innate learned behaviors" are just wrong!

What is the definition of scientist?

One learned in science; a scientific investigator; one devoted to scientific study; a savant.

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human growth is the process of how an individual change physically and how it will be learned as he or she grows up maturely.

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He was a prophet of God. All of the true prophets, by definition, were extremely learned and pious people.

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Psychological or mental barriers are the barriers which we create in our minds, or which we have learned from others, that prevent us from communicating effectively.

Knowledge about how children develop knowing what to teach and when assessing what children have learned and adapting curriculum best fits the definition of?

developmentally appropriate practice

What is definition of global OZONE diplomacy AND LESSOns learned from it?

The ozone is a very viable need for our future and us. It protects us from the enormously dangerous UV.

What is the definition of edubbas?

Emrald No i learned this in social studies an a edubba was actually wat the Mespotamia people called schools. They were basically the ones who created schools.

What is the definition of memory in connection with psychology?

The definition of memory in connection with psychology is based upon recalling information. This is done when remembering things that are learned, information that was retained such as a phone number, recalling information, and also recognition (a song lyric for example).