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things that want to be accomplished that is shared among people or a group.

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Q: What is the definition of shared goals?
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That depends on your definition of best. Is it most goals saved, or most goals saved per match played? That depends on your definition of best. Is it most goals saved, or most goals saved per match played?

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Intermediate goals or medium goals are goals that can be achieve within the time frame of one to five years

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The process of setting goals, developing strategies, and outlining tasks and schedules to accomplish the goals.

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countries and islands that has shared historical experience

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Two goals shared by Spanish explorers in the 1500s were to find new trade routes to Asia for spices and other valuable goods and to spread Christianity to indigenous populations in the New World.

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What you want in the near future.

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A vertex is the shared endpoint of two or more line segments.

Quick common denominator definition?

A shared multiple of the denominators of several fractions.