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Pronunciation is a word that refers to how one sounds out specific words in a language. It is similar in meaning to accent and is especially importance in languages such as Japanese.

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Q: What is the definition of the word pronunciation?
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In a dictionary does the definition come after the word?

Yes. Often a pronunciation guide and a declaration of word type precede the definition.

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A word that changes pronunciation and meaning when it is capitalized.

Something you find out about a word by looking it up in the dictionary?

When looking up a word in the dictionary, you can find out its definition, part of speech, and sometimes its origin or etymology.

What are the four parts of a dictionary word entry?

The four parts of a dictionary word entry are: 1. Word or term being defined, 2. Pronunciation guide, 3. Definition or meanings, and 4. Additional information like word origins, usage notes, or example sentences.

What does a dictionary give about a word?

It depends on the word in question but for the most part a dictionary will give the word, what type of word it is, its pronunciation, its definition(s), and etymology if it is known. Some may also use it in a sentence or phrase as an example.

What does a dictionary gives to a word?

It will break the word down into syllables so the reader can understand the correct pronunciation. This is usually followed by a brief definition of the word, and (in larger dictionaries) an example sentence.

Which of the following elements should be placed on the backside of a word card when the word is on the front side A definition B pronunciation C sample sentence D all of these E none of these?

The word is on one side, and the definition is on the other side.

What is the definition of the word dictionary?

A dictionary is a book (or similar source) that provides information on the meaning of words. It may also include the pronunciation of a word, or its origin, or its synonyms.

What language is the word impresionante from?

The word impresionante comes from the Spanish language. This Spanish words translates to the English word of "impressive". One can find the audio pronunciation from online definition sites.

How do you pronounce chapiter?

The proper pronunciation of the word chapiter is:CHAP-uh-tuhr, or CHAP-i-tuhrThis is a noun from architecture meaning the capital of a column. Don't be confused by its similarity to the word chapter. These are two entirely different words.Seechapiterfor an audio pronunciation and a definition.

Why is the word dictionary in the dictionary?

The word "dictionary" means: A book with many words, which are listed in alphabetical order, and their definitions. If you do not have an actual dictionary, you can go to free dictionaries on google, or define (word you want to define) on google.

What is dictionary entry?

A dictionary entry is a structured format used to present the definition, pronunciation, and other information about a word or phrase. It typically includes the word's part of speech, definition(s), examples of usage, synonyms, antonyms, and sometimes etymology.