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Reasoning and logic are highly misunderstood concepts.

Often, they are considered as synonyms.

The only similarity between reasoning and logic is that they both are types of thinking.

Otherwise they are just the opposite.

Reasoning can be defined as the mechanism, which converts an involuntary thought into a voluntary thought.

Logic can be defined as the mechanism, which converts a voluntary thought into involuntary thought.


1. Reasoning deals with differences only. It ignores similarities.

2. It assumes that every cause has an effect and that every effect has just one cause.

3. Reasoning is voluntary and transient. Any thing eternal should be considered as logical.

4. Since reasoning deals with differences only and also enables us to be conscious of our entire knowledge it creates an impression that our knowledge has improved enormously.

5. It makes all activities of life independent of each other. Thus in reasonable life it is possible to correct just one activity without affecting any other.

6. Since it deals with differences only it enables us to solve just one problem at a time.

7. Reasoning is ideally suited for the material world. It is less suitable for body and least suited for mind. This, is because body and mind act as single units. Dividing the body is difficult and dividing the mind is impossible.


1. Logic deals with similarities. It ignores differences

2. Logic assumes that similar causes lead to similar effects.

3. Logic is involuntary and eternal.

4. Since logic considers similarities and also makes our knowledge involuntary it condenses knowledge, creating an illusion that our knowledge is reducing.

5. It merges all activities into a single giant activity called life. Thus in a logical life it is not possible to correct just one activity without affecting any other.

6. Since it deals with similarities logic enables us to rectify our entire life simultaneously.

7. Logic is ideally suited for body and mind because body and mind work as single entities. Logic ultimately leads us to the seven basic kinds of thinking and then to the mind selector, that selects one of the seven kinds of thinking. However, at this stage logic is totally involuntary and only a master of Original Meditation can be able to be aware of these.

Reasoning and logic are two of the seven basic kinds of thinking. Natural thinking, the default thinking of human beings is a blend of reasoning and logic.

ANS2:Reasoning is the general term for the process of arriving at an answer to a choice. Many specific processes can lead you to accepting a choice and logic is among those processes. Of the processes, logic and mathematics can produce universally accepted truth. Faith and trust in an authority can produce truth among those who share the same faith or who accept the same authority. The scientific method can also lead to a reasoned choice, however, science, by itself, will not produce truth since the senses are fallible and empiricism is the basis of science.
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