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A fable, as in Aesop's fables.

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Q: What is the literary term for a story that teaches a lesson?
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What is Literary term?

A literary term is what you can use to define the makeup of a story. Sample literary terms include characterization, plot, genre, foreshadowing, and more.

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What other term for moral lesson in a story?

An alternative term for moral lesson in a story is "theme." Themes are the underlying messages or insights about life, society, or human nature that the story conveys.

What literary term refers to where and when a story happens?

Setting <3

What is the literary term for the people or players in the story?

They are called characters.

What is the literary term that infers that an event will happen in the future?

Foreshadowing is the literary term that hints at or suggests events that will happen later in the story.

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The behavior of the young birds in the story is an example of which literary term?

foreshadowing! :)

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Which literary term refers to a story with a largely symbolic meaning?

rhetoric (I think)