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This was when Georgie told Timothy about how steve beat him with a leather belt, a table chair, and tying him up in a closet. Georgie broke Stev's promise about never telling anyone that he beat him. Georgie was afraid that Steve was going to come and kill him.

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Q: What is the main conflict of the lottery rose?
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What is the conflict in The Lottery Rose?

The conflict in "The Lottery Rose" is between Georgie and his mother and her boyfriend. He is beaten and then taken from the home.

What is the conflict in The Lottery?

The conflict in "The Lottery Rose" is between Georgie and his mother and her boyfriend. He is beaten and then taken from the home.

What is the external conflict in the lottery rose?

The external conflict in "The Lottery Rose" revolves around Georgie's abusive home life and his struggle to escape the physical and emotional abuse inflicted upon him by his mother and her boyfriend. This conflict drives the plot as Georgie navigates his harsh reality and seeks refuge in the power of imagination and friendship to overcome his circumstances.

What is the ISBN of The Lottery Rose?

The ISBN of The Lottery Rose is 978-0425182796.

What is the main conflict of the lottery by Jackson?

The main conflict in "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson is the tension between tradition and change. The villagers blindly follow a brutal annual tradition of stoning someone to death, highlighting the dangers of mindlessly adhering to customs without questioning their morality or relevance.

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Who are the main characters in the lucky lottery by Ron Roy?

The main characters in "The Lucky Lottery" by Ron Roy are cousins Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose. They form a group called the "A to Z Mysteries" and solve mysteries together.

Who is the author of The Lottery Rose?

irene hunt :)

What is the mom's name in the lottery rose?

its Rennie

Who is Amanda in the lottery rose?

The sister?

What is the main conflict in the lottery?

The main conflict in Shirley Jackson's most famous short story, "The Lottery", is Man vs. Society. She is criticizing tradition and how people are stuck in their ways even if it isn't right. (Questions of morals usually equal man vs. society) also the little village was discussing how other towns have stopped doing the lottery. Though it may seem like it is Society vs Society, that is not a type of conflict. You have to think of village as a whole or as one thing. then you will see that society is against them because society is questioning their morals.