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The noun 'corn' is a mass noun (uncountable noun) as a word for a food substance. Units of a mass noun are expressed using a partitive noun, for example an ear of corn or kernels of corn.

The noun 'corn' is a count noun as a word for a rounded bump on the foot that often appears dry, waxy, or discolored. The plural noun is 'corns'.

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Q: What is the mass noun of corn?
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Is corn a nouns?

Yes, corn is a noun; a singular or mass, common, concrete noun. The noun corn as a blemish on the foot can be singular or plural; 'a corn' or 'two corns'. The noun corn as the vegetable is a mass noun; 'a field of corn', 'an ear of corn', 'a bowl of corn', or 'a kernel of corn'.

Is corn a verb?

No, corn is a noun.

What are the singular of the sentence I picked up a bushel of corn at the farmers' market?

The singular nouns in the sentence are:bushelmarketNote: The noun 'corn' is an uncountable noun. A partitive noun (also called a noun counter) is a noun used to count or quantify an uncountable noun, such as six ears of corn, a kernelof corn, a bushel of corn, etc.

Is corn a proper noun?

"corn" is a common noun that can be either singular or plural

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Some collective nouns for corn are a stalk of corn or a bushel of corn.

Is corn a proper noun or common noun?

The noun 'corn' is a common noun, a general word for the seeds of a cereal plant; the plants that produce these seeds; a spot of hardening and thickening of skin; a word for a thing.

Is Indian an adjective for corn?

The word corn (plant or food) is a noun. A related adjective is corn-like (corny having an entirely different meaning).Used with other nouns, corn is a noun adjunct, or attributive noun (e.g. corn crop, corn flakes).There is a verb, to corn, meaning to treat with rock salt, and it has the participle adjective form corned (corned beef).

Is candy corn a proper noun?

No, the compound noun candy corn is a common noun, a word for any candy corn anywhere.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing; for example:Brach's Candy CornJelly Belly Candy CornLimited Edition Candy Corn Oreo

What is the pronoun of corn?

There can be several pronouns for corn. It depends upon its use in a sentence. The CORN (noun) is fresh. IT (pronoun) is fresh. Do you want to eat CORN (noun)? Do you want to eat SOME (pronoun)?

Is hydrogen a mass noun or countable noun?

The noun 'hydrogen' is a mass noun (an uncountable noun) as a word for a substance.

What part of speech is mass?

Mass can be a noun or an adjective. As a noun: The mass of a solid. As an adj: Mass production.

What kind of noun is cheese?

Mass Noun :D