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Ancillary services are those which get the benefit of tourist expenditure as the result of the receipts by the auxiliary services.They are also known as subordinators to auxiliary services.

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Q: What is the meaning of ancillary services in tourism?
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What are tourism ancillary services?

i dont no

What is the meaning of services in tourism?

Ancillary services are those which get the benefit of tourist expenditure as the result of the receipts by the auxiliary services.They are also known as subordinators to auxiliary services.

What is ancillary therapeutic services?

Ancillary therapeutic services are services that support patient diagnosis.

What is the main role of ancillary organisations in tourism?

The main role of ancillary organizations in tourism is that they are additional businesses which support travel and tourism. The businesses can include car hire firms, travel insurance or shops.

What is the answer to travel and tourism outbound ancillary organisations?

outbound ancillary organisations are additional businesses in another country which support the visiting tourists.

What are the Ancillary services in travel and tourism?

They are the additional services that tour operators and travel agents offer, for example rental cars, travel insurance, transport to accommodation and so forth.

What does ancillary services mean?


What is the exact meaning of word ancillary?

The word ancillary is coming from Latin, in Latin ancilla is a female servant. Ancillary is describing something or someone that is auxiliary, subsidiary or assistant.for example, one can find meaning to ancillary data, ancillary doctrine, ancillary weapon and many more.

Ancillary services refer to?

Those are related or supportive services.

What is ancillary operational strategy?

support services

What are ancillary departments in the health care facility?

Ancillary departments are additional services such as the Radiology, Physical therapy or emergency department.

In banking, what are ancillary services?

Ancillary services in banking usually refer to the Safe Deposit Lockers provided to customers by banks for a rent of fee per box per year.