sand trap
meaning have one's hand full?
Hand Clap
hand clap is not moon shadows dad wind rider is moon shadows dad.
There is one syllables in clap.
very carefully
The Hand Clap was created on 2007-08-08.
Stay has one syllable. you can figure that out by clapping your hand to each word you say. stay: one clap carry: two clap elephant: 3 clap
no,people can not clap with one hand you have to have to hands so the sound would bounce of or echo geological terms it is hypothedicaley impossible. I find that answer quite strange I know a couple of people that manage quite well to clap with one hand. The one has trouble moving his right arm at time and claps by slapping his thigh. The other lad unfortunately has only one hand and manages to show his appreciation (clap) by slapping his thigh as well. If these lads can do it then so can President Barack Obama
It means someone misspelled "hand clap".
A Clock
The frequency of a typical hand clap is around 250 to 500 Hz. This means that the clap creates 250 to 500 sound waves per second.
People need to cooperate to get things accomplished
a clock
"Two hands clap and there is a sound; what is the sound of one hand?"