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Proposed Dividend means a dividend that is paid by the company that the end of a finical year.

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Q: What is the meaning of proposed dividend?
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What is the double entry for proposed dividend?

[Debit] Proposed dividend [Credit] Dividend payable

Will pass general entry for proposed dividend?

yes we will pass entry for proposed dividend P&L Appropriation A/c Dr. To Proposed Dividend

What is the difference between proposed and declared dividend?

Proposed dividend is that which is proposed by the management to be paid to share holders of company.Declared dividend is the dividend which is finalized in annual general meeting to be paid to share holders.

What is the difference between dividend proposed and dividend paid?

A company proposes a dividend to be paid to shareholders. The shareholders vote on this and the dividend that is actually paid may differ from that proposed.

What is difference between final and proposed dividend?

Proposed dividend refers to the amount expected to be paid to shareholders. Final dividend is the official dividend paid to shareholders at the end of a financial year.

What is the difference between dividend and proposed dividend?

Here the difference is that the dividend is a amount decided to be given to, say the shareholders, and proposed dividend is the amount has not yet been decided at the meeting , for the sareholders as yet.

Is a journal entry required on the date the board of directors officially approves a dividend?

Yes following entry required: [Debit] Proposed dividend [Credit] dividend payable

How do you enter dividends on a journal entry?

[Debit] Proposed dividend [Credit] Dividend payable [Debit] Dividend payable [Credit] Cash / bank

What is the meaning of dividend in mathematics?

The answer is something that is divided by something equals the dividend

What is the treatment of proposed dividend?

A dividend is a stockhder's share of the profits from the company. This is paid pro-rata to the stockholders in either cash or more shares.

How do you calculate proposed dividend?

for proposed dividend to be entered in profit and loss appropriation account we need to deduct calls in arrears from called up capital/share capital,and the value we get should be multiplied with the rate given in adjustment. eg:share capital:5,00,000 calls in arrears:5000 Adjustment given is:The director proposed a final dividend at 15%. Therefore the solution would be:5,00,000-5000=4,95,000*15%=74,250 :)

What is the meaning of unclaimed dividend?

A company has allocated funds to pay a dividend, but nobody has come forward to claim it.